Dental Implant Restoration

Dental implants provide a way to feel like you have natural teeth, even if you don’t. By placing a restoration like a crown or denture over an implant, you can chew with ease and speak clearly. Laura Davies, DDS and the team at Fibonacci Dental Studio in Rapid City, South Dakota, craft custom restorations and fits them onto your implants. To get started with the dental implant restoration process, call Fibonacci Dental Studio or reserve an appointment online today.

Dental Implant Restoration Q & A

What is dental implant restoration?

Dental implant restoration is the process of restoring one or more missing teeth using a dental implant. An oral surgeon places the implant in your jawbone after making sure that the bone is strong enough to hold it sturdy. The implant itself looks like a titanium screw and bonds with your bone during healing, becoming an integrated part of your jaw.

Implants hold restorative devices like crowns and dentures. This is where the team at Fibonacci Dental Studio comes in. If you have an old or new implant in need of a restorative device to fill your smile, the team makes it for you and attaches it to the implant securely.

How does dental implant restoration work?

When you come to Fibonacci Dental Studio for dental implant restoration, the first step is to take impressions of your mouth. The team uses the CEREC® Omnicam to scan your mouth and read its shape, which helps them design your restoration. The team creates two types of restorations for implants:

Single crowns

Single crowns can be designed to go over dental implants instead of prepared teeth. You can’t remove them at will, but they’re the sturdiest and most permanent option for single-tooth replacement. 


Implant-supported or -retained dentures click onto dental implants to hold sturdy in your mouth. This helps you better eat and speak. 

How should I care for my dental implant restoration?

Implants themselves don’t require much extra care on your part. Once they’re in place and secure, they’re a part of your mouth and must be cleaned as such. 

If you have a single crown on an implant, you must treat it like the rest of your teeth. Floss the sides at least once a day, brush twice a day, and visit Fibonacci Dental Studio for your regular cleanings.

If you have implant-supported or -retained dentures, you must follow typical care instructions for dentures. Remove them each time you sleep and store them in a cup of lukewarm water overnight. You can expect to replace them at some point, but you can extend their life by cleaning them gently, brushing your gums while they’re out, and attending regular dental cleaning appointments.

To learn more about dental implant restoration and the many conveniences it offers, call Fibonacci Dental Studio or book an appointment online today.

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