Our Technology

CEREC CAD/CAM Dentistry - Crowns in a Day

Our office is proud to use the CEREC CAD/CAM dental system. It allows us to design crowns, inlays, and onlays for patients chairside and often patients can leave with the final restoration in their mouth that same day. We have had this technology since 2015 and Dr. Davies is part of the CEREC CDOCS Mentor team assisting in training other doctors in using this dental technology. The CEREC machine allows our office to take digital impressions. With these digital impressions we can communicate with dental specialist and labs more effectively when working on complex and comprehensive treatment cases.

Solea Dental Laser

One of the fastest growing industries in dental technology is dental lasers. We have had our Solea Dental Laser since 2020. The Solea Dental Laser is a CO2 laser made by Convergent Dental. It has the ability to cut through both hard and soft tissue allowing for a variety of dental procedures to be done in the office. We most often use it for dental fillings. Most dental fillings can be done using the laser and for 95% of our patients they can be done without dental anesthetic. Patients most often report an extreme cold sensation in the tooth when work is being done. Those that prefer to be numb still have the option to be numb. We also use the laser for tissue contouring during crown preparations and can perform gingivectomies and other soft tissue procedures with it as well.

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Our Regular Schedule


7:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-4:00 pm





