First Visit? What to expect

Do I need to do anything prior to my dental appointment?

Prior to coming to our office, we will send you new patient forms to complete. If for some reason you forget them or are unable to fill them out prior to your appointment they can be completed at the office but we ask that you come 15 minutes earlier than your scheduled appointment time if you plan to do this.

What if I have Dental anxiety or other special needs?

When you call the office to schedule an appointment please let the team member assisting you know if we should be aware of any special needs. Examples might include dental anxiety, history of trauma in area of concern, need for wheel chair transfer. This will help us assist you better.

What happens the day of my appointment?

When you arrive at our office you will be greeted by a team member at our reception desk. They will collect any additional information from you that is needed to finish completing your patient chart.

One of our dental assistants will then escort you to a dental operatory for your exam.

How do I know what type of exam appointment to schedule when I call the office?

We understand that everyone has different dental needs and desires. Therefore, we welcome patients to Fibonacci Dental Studio in 3 different ways. In order to help us meet your expectations please let the team member that assists you know which exam will work best for you.

  1. Emergency Patients
  2. These patients usually have a single tooth that is bothering them and they would like to see the doctor for specific treatment related only to that tooth. This appointment usually takes about 30 minutes and includes an xray/radiograph of the specific tooth, intraoral picture of that tooth, and limited exam for diagnosis of any problems related to that specific tooth. Once diagnosis is completed a recommendation for treatment will follow. If possible to do treatment that day, the doctor will let the patient know the cost for that treatment and expected additional time. Then the patient can decide if they would like to proceed. The doctor may also notice there are other areas of concern. They may mention this to the patient and recommend that the patient follow-up with a comprehensive examination when they are able to do so.

  3. New Patients wanting to establish Continuing Care with the practice
  4. These patients may or may not have a tooth or teeth that bother them. They are interested in having the doctor evaluate and assess their entire oral condition. This exam usually takes 40-60 minutes and includes extra and intraoral cancer screening, full mouth set of xrays/radiographs (if this was recently completed at a different office we may only take bitewings), if needed select intraoral photographs of specific teeth or conditions that present in the mouth, assessment of each tooth noting any already existing treatment and diagnosis of any new problems that might be present, periodontal assessment of the bone and gingival tissue surrounding the teeth. If the patient presents with a condition that would require additional work-up the doctor will give the patient that option.

  5. New Patients wanting to establish Continuing Care with the practice that have a Specific Problem that will involve an Extensive Work-up

These patients usually have a complex dental problem that may involve multiple teeth needing restorations. They are also interested in having an evaluation done of their entire oral condition. This exam usually takes 90 minutes and involves all the things listed in exam #2 along with full mouth set of intraoral pictures, and completion of diagnostic study models. These patients are usually invited back for a second consultation appointment to review findings. To determine treatment options for these patients, the doctor may need to refer them to a dental specialist for evaluation allowing for a multidisciplinary approach to treatment.

How much is this going to cost?

Though we cannot guarantee what services will be covered by a patient’s insurance we do our best to determine the cost of treatment and provide that information to the patient prior to beginning any procedure. We do expect payment for the patient portion of the treatment at the time services are provided unless other arrangements have been made prior to starting treatment.

For patients with financial concerns we offer multiple options to help them achieve optimum oral health.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


7:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-4:00 pm





